Website Header

Website Header Tips

Have you ever made a really bad first impression? The kind where you thought about it all day and maybe even lost sleep over it? Your...

Have you ever made a really bad first impression? The kind where you thought about it all day and maybe even lost sleep over it? Your website header may be giving your customers a really bad first impression.

Your header will be much easier to write once you have a one-liner. If you need help creating a one-liner, find a free worksheet HERE.

The good news is that your website header is easy to fix. Follow these steps to update your header, and you will see increased engagement.

  1. Be Clear
    a. Your header should tell your customers what you can offer them. Read your header to a stranger. Now ask them what you offer. Can they answer the question? If not, you know it still needs work.
  2. Make It Large
    a. Research shows that you have 10 seconds for a customer to decide if they are staying or leaving your website. You don’t want your customer to spend those 10 seconds trying to find your header. Make sure your header is large and the first thing your customers see on your website.
  3. Be Clear
    a. Being clear really is so important that we have it listed twice. A lot of people will write a very clever header…but it just confuses customers instead of engaging them. Marketing is an exercise of memorization. Speak in simple and clear language so that your customers can memorize what you have to offer.

Websites can be overwhelming, but they don’t have to be. Start with small edits and then tackle the bigger problems.

If you feel overwhelmed just thinking about where to start, we can help. Schedule a call today for a consultation.

Here is an extra resource about the importance of a good website header by Yext

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